Information about I Love My Dogs climbing route in the Dolomites
L1 30m 5a
Easy pitch that goes up to the foot of the vertical face of yellow rock.
L2 30m 6c
Technically demanding endurance pitch with small holds and a challenging traverse towards the right before reaching the belay.
L3 25m 6c
Challenging start that requires muscular strength in order to go past an overhang, exit with holes and notches.
L4 30m 6a
Rather easy and enjoyable pitch.
L5 30m 6b
More challenging pitch on an almost vertical slab.
L6 55m 6a+
Amazing pitch on a grey dihedral with exit on a challenging, vertical yellow slab.
L7 38m 6c+
The crux: it starts on a challenging yellow slab and continues on a roof where it is difficult to place bolts. Then, below the large roof, there is a traverse towards the left with unstable holds.
L8 20m 5b
Crack pitch with a small overhang to overcome in order to reach the belay.
L9 25m 5b
This pitch starts on a yellow fissure and then continues in a couloir that reaches the summit.
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tel. +39 3279311671 -
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